If I had a SisterIf I had a sister, we would be the best of friends. We would go in the meadow, run around, playsome games, etc. We could play manhunt, during the day of course. No one would get hurt everagain.If I had a sister, we would make each other necklaces. I would bring out my little craft kit,containing every bead imaginable. They could be made out of what ever we wanted. I could do somuch if I had a sister.If I had a sister, we would hang out all day. She would love me, and I would love her. We wouldlove each other for our most special qualities. It would be us against the world.If I had a sister, nothing bad would happen ever again. Nothing ever again.If I had a sister, we would go to our room. We can share just fine. I would never be alone everagain. I would have her, and you, and you, and even you. We would go out in the meadow and playmanhunt the way it's suppose to be played. The real way, where you're not suppose to be found forthe rest of eternity. We would make each other necklaces of ropes. Beads made from our lovedones will hang from it, from us, from everyone in this room. Nothing bad would ever happen again.No one will get in our way. We could do what ever we wanted. We would make the world right again.We would all hang. We would be free.If I had a sister, oh imagine if I had a sister. How much more free, happy, could I be if I had asister.Ii Éa A Boy Like Mack(reupload since the first one got flagged)A little boy name Mack sits sad and alone,Nobody wants to be around a boy like Mack,One step, two step, he walks home,Nobody wants to be around a boy like Mack,Next morning he walks to school,Nobody wants to be around a boy like Mack,Everyone seems to watch as he fails another day,Nobody wants to be around a boy like Mack,Mack is grown up now,Angry, he walks to work still alone,Nobody wanted to be around a boy like Mack,Mack has had enough,Because nobody wanted to be around a boy like him,He grabs a knife and heads out the door,Nobody wanted to be around a boy like Mack,He walks to the neighbors and they're never seen again,Nobody wanted to be around a boy like Mack,Police come and they're gone, too,Nobody wanted to be around a boy like Mack,Mack sits alone, but not sad anymore,Now he knows why nobody wants to be around somebody like Mack Well uh...MerryChristmaseat