Familiae MelissaeMelissa flammas Pompeiorum in nave effugit. Postridie, Melissa de familiā cogitabat. Pater Melissaeerat Syphax et fundum in Graeciā habuit. Mater Melissae erat Daphne, sed perivit* postquam Melissa nata*erat. Syphax igitur Melissam multe amavit et Melissae curavit. Fundus multos equos et animalia habuit ethorreum erat ubi Melissa ludet*. perivit* = died nata* = born ludet* = would play1. What was Melissa doing after she fled Pompeii? 3. Where did Melissa live with her father?2. Who were Melissa’s parents? 4. Why did Syphax care for Melissa?Syphax pecuniam non habuit sed vita non erat dura in fundo. Syphax in agris laboravit quod Melissa inhorreo praeerat. Sed equi et animalia a morbis* interfecta erant, ergo Syphax multam pecuniam debuit*.Syphax in fundo cum Melissā esse volebat, sed seges non erat bona. Syphax igitur agros et totum frumentumvendidit*. a morbis* = by disease debuit* = owed vendidit* = sold5. Why did Syphax work in the fields? 7. What did Syphax want?6. What happened to the animals on the farm? 8. What did Syphax do because the crops weren’t good?Proximo anno* Syphax aeger* erat. Laborare non potuit et cibum* non habebant igitur SyphaxMelissam familiae Romanae vendidit*. Pater familiae erat Caecilius et villam in Pompeiis habuit. Melissa apudRomanos laboravit sed de familiā in Graeciā semper* cogitabat. proximo anno* = the next year aeger*=sickcibum* = food semper* = always vendidit* = sold9. What happened the next year? 10. What did Syphax do because he didn’t have food?Shethought about her a farm in GreecefamilySyphax Daphne Daphne diedBecause mel was in to be with Melissacharge of the barnThey died from a disease sold the field and allthe grainHe got sick He sold her to aRoman Family Artifact. Use the passage below to answer the questions that follow in complete sentences.Shelton, J. (1998). As the Romans Did: A Sourcebook in Roman Social History (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.What were two ways in which children were given up?Describe the mother’s situation in this document.Describe the rights which the mother still has after the adoption.How would this mother be able to get her daughter back?To Give away children or to sell themsevere poverty and lack of foodShe can Buy her kid backBuying her Exit Ticket: Answer these questions using complete sentences.How was Melissa’s situation similar to the one described above?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the greatest difference between how Melissa and this child were given up?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is your reaction to Syphax and Melissa’s situation?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________