Stories from the Closet Vol. 1Hi! Today im writing 10 STUPID questions kids at school have and always asked me. One: are youtrans?- yes. two: do you really get paid to be trans?- no im not medically transitioned that is more ofan insurance this to pay for the surgeries and testosterone meds. Three: do you like women ormen?- both im pan. Four: are you sure this isn’t a faze?- no it’s not ifs a belief and a wish. Five: whatare your pronouns?- he/him/his six: are you atheist?- no im Christian seven: if your trans will you goto hell?- i hope not seven: you know god could never love a trans person as much as a cis personyou know that right?- this is actually false. God says he will love you all the same no mater who orwhat you are. Eight: do you ho in the men’s public bathroom?- no i dont. I prefer family or genderneutral bathrooms tho or i just wait till i get home ten: you know you can never be a real bony right?-yes unfortunately but in this day i can identify as one and dress as one and well pretty much be one.To all those who are still struggling with their identity dont listen to those people who tell you “its justa faze” or “Christian’s cant be queer” or “queers worship satan” none of its true find you and beyou! Love yall <3