15th emoji tells u wut u will most desire in 2050😌 I’m guessing this is a calm emoji, so i’ll desire calmness in 2050? Makes sense!7th emoji tells u what ur bully thinks of u💕 erm..I don’t have one but..uhm..ok4th emoji tells u what ur impact on others r💖 Huh??? Excuse me?!?3rd emoji tells u what ur bestie wants from u🍉 you want a slice of watermelon? Ok!5th emoji tells u what will happen to u in 2050💻 huh? Will i get hacked or smthing?2nd emoji tells u what ur crush thinks of u when u r being cute (posing in a adorable way, having urhair done well)🤪 I don’t have a crush, and idk what this means..so..ok..?23rd emoji tells u what your crush does when ur not looking✨ again, i dont have one, but ok ig..?14th emoji tells u what ur classmates think of you when you say u have an emergency🔒 lock?? Huh?? They want to lock me up??19th emoji tells u what stickers ur followers will like most🛣 traffic? Road? Streets? WHAT?!! You guys like those types of stickers?!?!