I SLAYED TODAY!!! 5 EPIC SAVES AND A PERFECT HALF!!!!! My coach was actually impressedwhich doesn't happen often and the whole team was actaully chanting for me!!!!buton one of the first saves I made I had to swat the ball down bc it was too high for me to catch (perksof being a short goalie huh?) and the ball went farther away from me then it should've and there wasa striker abt to score so I dive for it and, first of all, I trucked this girl and was very proud of it, secondof all got this wicked bruise bc of it lol. dont worry I'm fine and iceing it but its swollen and is gonnabe a nasty bruise tmr. Anyway, just wanted to let yall know how it went. (also, i have super secretsuprise for yall heheh)Ooomy newscar lolthe circles are thepoints where u cansee where her cleatspikes stepped onme