DORSALMEMOStoEEMo maitVENTRALDORSALCOLUMN LATERAL VENTRALproprioception motorfunctiondiscriminationfinetouchCORTICOSPINAL tractspositionsenseLATERAL SPINATHALMIC crossesover inVENTRAL SPINOTHALMICTRACTIVST TRACT LST spinepainlighttouch temperatureNORMAL SPINAL TRACT FUNCTION Bar orAEE I sME asa oxy atCENTRAL CORD SYNDROMEMost common cervical spine Mfg whyextension1PMCertinjuries osteoarthritis pogyupperextremities lowerextremitiesWaid paralysis of WE spasticIx Ttparalysis of LEsacral sparingANTERIOR CORD SYNDROME2nd most common worst prognosisISCHEMIC INJURYupper extremityt lower extremityaffected equallyLoss of motor pain temp Ittouch BELOW Irl of ingudorsal columns preservedSPINAL CORD INJURIES iPartyKapokItgb my MFL atTich be ma or meMERIT BENITO tna nBROWN SEQUARDCHEMICORD POSTERIOR CORD SYNDROMESYNDROME RAREpenetrating injuries RARE demyelinating disorders non spinebetter prognosis disordersall functions disrupted1055 on opposite sidedorsal column affectedlateral spinothalmic tracts cross over proprioceptionvibrationTrilateraltosspot motor proprioception 18 discriminationposition sensevibration position sense discriminationlight touch