Sorry I haven’t posted in a long time but we NEED to talk about the outsidersmusical!!! I went to go see it while i was in nyc. It was so good idk how to evenexpress it oh my god. They had gravel all over the stage, it rained for real duringthe rumble, and real fire during the chuch fire. Great expectations live was so goodi litterally ascended. There were very little scenes and a minimalist set so thewhole thing was very fluid. Johnnys death was the only silent moment in the showso it was really impactful and dally’s song was such powerful number and it wasreally sad. I also felt like every opportunity for a fun number they took, so part of itfelt a lot like newsies. Darrys song was absolutely incredible his voice was sogood. Sodas letter had me in tears. Two-bits hoods turned hero solo was so cute.ALSO OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!!! WHEN THE SHOW WAS OVER THE ENTIRE CASTCAME TO THE STAGEDOOR THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!!! I GOT TO MEET THEMALL AND THEY ALL SIGNED MY PLAYBILL AHH!! I LITTERALLY LIKE MELTEDAND I WALKED AWAY CRYING HAPPY TEARS!!!! I will be posting songs and otherstuff this was just like general.