Y7 - Latin Summer Exam 2022 – Key Things to ReviseVOCAB: (All the vocab from Chapter 3, including what part of speech)VERBSpugnō pugnāre, pugnāvī fight Remember the principal parts:● 1st = present tense (e.g. pugno = I fight) Tofind the present stem, take off the -o (e.g.pugn-)● 2nd = infinitive (e.g. pugnare = to fight) Tofind the conjugation, look at the vowel beforethe -re: 1st = are, 2nd = ēre, 3rd =ere, 4th = ire.● 3rd = perfect tense (e.g. pugnavi = I fought)To find the perfect stem, take off the -i (e.g.pugnav-)possum, posse, potui is an irregular verbiubeō iubēre, iūssī orderascendō ascendere, ascendī climbdēscendō dēscendere, dēscendī go down; come downpetō petere, petīvī make for; seek; beg / ask forcōnspiciō cōnspicere, cōnspexī catch sight of; noticeaudiō audīre, audīvī hear; listen topossum posse, potuī can; be ableNOUNSterra terr- 1f ground; land; country Remember in the second column:The number = the declensionThe f/m/n = the gender (feminine, masculine orneuter)The second part e.g. terr- = the stem (the bityou add the endings to)equus equ- 2m horsecaelum cael- 2n sky; heavenauxilium auxili- 2n helpmōns mont- 3m mountainmare mar- 3n seaADJECTIVESbonus bona, bonum good These are 2-1-2 adjectives. To find their stem,take of the -us/-a/-um ending (e.g. the stem ofbonus = bon-)magnus magna, magnum big; large; greatmalus mala, malum evil; baddifficilis difficil- difficult These are 3rd declension adjectives. Their stemis the second part (e.g. difficil-)facilis facil- easyfēlīx fēlīc- fortunate; happy; luckyPREPOSITIONSā, ab + ablative from; away from; by Remember:These are all followed by a noun in the ablativecase.Watch out for ‘in’:in + abl = in BUT in +acc = intocum + ablative withdē + ablative from; down from; aboutē, ex + ablative from; out of; out fromin + ablative in; onADVERBSceleriter quickly Remember:● most adverbs look like adjectives but end in-ter (like celeriter)● adverbs DO NOT change their endingsdiū for a long timeōlim once; some time agosubitō suddenlytandem at last; finallyGRAMMAR (The ablative, imperfect/perfect tenses and irregular principal parts)eyiHeartearnt 1. Terms to know:Derivation (English word which looks like the Latin and means something similar)Stem (the part of the word which does not change onto which you add the endings)Declension (a group of nouns with similar endings)Conjugation (a group of verbs with similar endings)Principal Parts (the three parts of the verb you see in a vocab list)Infinitive (the second principal part; translated as “to …..” e.g. amare = to loveTense (endings which tell us when the verb happened)2. The Ablative1stdeclension2nddeclension3rddeclensionablative sg -a -o -e / -i*ablative pl -is -is -ibus(* 3rd declension has two options: -e ending for nounsand -i ending for adjectives)The ablative is used:1. After a prepositions2. To mean by, with or from3. Recognising the Imperfect & Perfect tensese.g. Latin endings How to translate it...Perfect petivimus ORrexit-i, -isti, -it, -imus, -istis, -erunt have/ -ed(e.g. we have asked for OR she ruled)Imperfect petebas ORregebam-bam, -bas, -bat, -bamus, -batis,-bantwas/were(e.g. you were asking for OR I was ruling)4. Irregular Principal Partssum (= I am) esse (= to be) fui (= I was)possum (= I am able/ Ican)posse (=to beable)potui (= I was able/ Icould)eō (= I go) īre (= to go) īvī (=I went) CULTURE (More gods and goddesses)● Jupiter, Juno and Minerva – had a temple on the Capitoline Hill which the Romans believed was their home.Romans going to war would promise Jupiter a laurel wreath; if they won, they would parade up to theCapitoline and sacrifice to Jupiter there.● Janus – god of doorways and transitions; two faces; the doors of his shrine in Rome (the Janus Geminus)symbolised whether Rome was at war (doors open) or at peace (doors closed).● Vesta – goddess of the hearth; Romans sacrificed to her daily; she had a temple in the forum containing sacredfire which her priestesses, the Vestal Virgins would keep burning.● Penates – household gods who protected the family; Romans believed the public Penates had been brought toRome by Aeneas when he fled Troy. The story says that the ghost of Trojan prince Hector appeared in a dreamand told him to take them, along with Vesta’s fire, and found a new city in Italy.● Lares – spirits of the family’s ancestors; worshipped in a household shrine called a Lararium.● Quirinus –Romulus as a god; when he disappeared from an assembly in a whirlwind, the senators had probablykilled him but some Romans said they had seen him taken into the sky to become a god. He was worshipped asthe god, Quirinus.● Personified Deities – Spes (Hope), Pax (Peace), Salus (Safety), Pietas (Duty), Fortuna (Chance), Victoria (Victory)Imperfectwas were marks1008 iubereless orderascent ascenderascend climbdescendo descenders descentgodownpet peterepetta begconspicio conspicere conspee catchsightofpossum possepoint can beable74 the answertight order cnn.to godowncomedownMakoto seekbegask.io catchsightofnoticeneatistento can ateIÉÉÉ aronowGmarkseons env anhousecolumn coolaskssummon sumnanhelpmoms none a mountainmore nor in sea74 the answerwoundandcounty sea noiseskyheaven hep mountainmarksbonus bonobohungoodMoanus magnaMagnumbiglargeMalus noo Malvin evilatticis difficit difficulttactis foal easyFix tic fourtunatend the answer1008 b'd age great eve badoticul easy fortunatehappy icky eerie quiet 5marksdo longtimeJ noncessubtosuddenlyorderfinals74 the answerfast tha y suddenlyonce some the 210quicky or a ONI the15 mark5 26 tab aliveCUT tab live85 tab liveI Pk tab livein tab live74 the answerTom out of out onFom downton aboutit onFOM away Toni by NIH28marks intotal imperfectfencewasherbarn bas batbamis batis bantimperfect fencewas herebam bas batbathis batis bentimperfectlywasherban bats batbambas bat bam bas butbam bas batbambas batbambas batbambasabat NominativeAccusationa Us anybody s guessae I esABlatieA O Eis is i bus Perfect tonesI is ti it im us is tie rantimperfect tenerbam bas batbamis bans bant bam bas batbanis batis bant