This is the last character so say hi to Scorpios dad:silksongName:silksongTribe:silkwingColors:like a blueish green color with some blue on his wingsGender:maleAbility’s:can spin silk detect movement in the air with his antenna has 4 wings good climberIntroduction:silksong has had a hard life ever scents getting his wings and got harder when he wastold he had to leave and go to pyheria but after a short landing in the kingdom of sand he new itwould be easier especially after meeting sandstorm who made him happy he almost skipped a beatand new this was the one he needed to be with he snuck out at night to be with her but one day theleaf wing queen learned of this relationship she was excited and said he could be with her for aslong as he wanted and so they got married and had a dragon net named Scorpio he promised toalways keep him safe even if it cost him his life but that was made easier after learning sandstormwas a animus and protected him with a spell but he learned of the cost and never asked for aanimus touched item the only thing he wanted was his family’s safety