Type “your honor, I swear my client didn’t” and let auto correct finish it (REMIX THIS DONT DO IT INTHE COMMENTS)“Your honor, I swear my client didn’t know what I was doing and I was going to do it anyway and Iwas just going to do it myself and I was just trying to get the right person to do it and I was just likeyou know what I was going to do it again and I was like I was going to do it and I was just like I wasjust gonna do it and I was going to do it and I was just going to do it and I was just like that and Iwas just trying to do it and I was just trying to get it out of the moment and I was like I was like I waslike oh my goodness I was like I was just trying to get out of the house.”“Your honor, i swear my client didn’t have any problems with the lion but he still had to make it bigand he had went down there for the king of pop to do it so he could have been in the church andthat he had to do a little sister and Dorothy had went into his house so he had to get down to seeher but if they were going on it then please tell him to come over and help me out trust him I knowhe’s not going to love her he loves me and him and I love everything about you so much love andhim and I appreciate you and me and him were talking about you guys too and he had to so pleaselet him go. @jamilex29“Your honor, I swear my client didn’t know how much you guys love me so I will be there to give himthe money and I am not a good friend of mine is that what I want you guys to know about this andyou know what I’m saying I will do it and you will do whatever I need and you know that I’m goingwith him I know I know that you know that you know that you are a lot better and I’m just gonna sayI will do that for him to me I love him to you and you guys and you guys have an awesome nightsleep tight I hope that I will see him to the best thing is I will see him in a little while I know you knowI will see him in a lot more love to see him to me too and you know I know you too I hope thatmakes my life and you know I hope that you’re doing well. @mr-dragon“Your honor, I swear my client didn’t get the job he deserved and he did it because of the fact hehad to go through a divorce with a woman! He had a great job with his family to help his wife get adivorce with the family to make him feel good! He had to be there to make him a good man to helphis children get through the day with their lives together. The fact is he had to go to work for the daybecause of the divorce he was in and had a job that was going on for the whole day to work for hiswife to be a little more and then I was going through a lot and he had a little more of an issue and hehad some issues and I think that made me a little more comfortable! He had to be able and then Ihad a little more control of the situation and he had the best way of making decisions and he had noproblems and he had an attitude that he was a lot more control of the house was very nice and Iwas just so much to him and he had to be kind and he had to do it all came in and I had a goodrelationship and he had to do the right thing to him to help.” @xlanaii