Trapped chapter 4
I smiled. Ryan! Ryan is that you? Its Riley! I tell him. He looks at me funny.
What? Whos Ryan? You feeling alright Heather? You sound like you ate too much
krizzleberries. He says with a laugh. I deated. Wait what? But he should’ve
been Ryan. Maybe i am going crazy. I think. I fake a laugh and smile. Just
messing with you Kyle! I tell him and he looks confused but took the answer.
Luke runs in out of breath and looks at me. Riley… why… did you… run so… fast?
He asks between breathes. Kyle looked at him. Ok… you guys are denitely
trying to play a prank on me. Well, the jokes up. Let’s nish making lunch then
get back on the trail. Did yall nd the falls? He asks. Jake almost says
something but I cut him off. Yes! We did. Its due south west of here. I tell him.
Great! Then lets get started! He says and starts to cook something on the re.
Will you excuse us a minute? I ask Kyle. Sure, but the rabbit will be done soon
so hurry! He says and I drag a protesting Jake/Luke into the woods. What’s
going on Riley? Why were you acting so weird? He asks me. Because I had a
thought that if we were here and in our character’s persona, maybe Ryan was
trapped here too. I say and feel all the sadness of the thought and desperation
ll me. Oh. He says. I was wrong though. I say and tears threaten to fall. Hey
hey its ok. We’ll nd a way out of here. He says and wraps me in a hug. I
probably would’ve gone nuts had I not been crying but I buried my head into his
shoulder. When I nally calmed down I pulled away. Thanks Luke… Jake. Ughhhh.
I say. He laughs. Hey its ok. This is so confusing. One part of me sees you as
Heather and the other sees you as Riley. He says. It’s like we’re ourselves but
Heather and Luke at the same time. I say and start thinking. Yeah. He says. All
the information swirling in my head made me dizzy and frustrated. I groaned
out loud in frustration. He put his hand on my shoulder. It’ll be ok. He says. I
just wish we were back home. I say and the familiar tingle goes through me.
Jake… its happening again! I say and the world goes dark again. The gut
twisting feeling tears through me and I groan. Next thing I know Im back on
the bench by the dock. Except, it was dark already. I shook my head as I tried
to get back in control. I felt short and normal again. I checked my hair and
found it to be its normal brown color and length. Jake groaned next to me. I
looked around and realized it was dark. I looked at the moon which was close to
its peak overhead. Oh no no no no no. In everything I forgot I was supposed to
be back by 9. Jake, Ive got to go and so do you. Its close to midnight! I tell him.
Ok, but we have to gure this out. Call me if your not caught and if you get
caught, meet me at lunch in school so we can talk about it. He says and I nod
and we run. I grab my bike and check my phone. Three missed calls from mom
and dad. I cursed softly under my breath. I pedaled as fast as I could. I parked
my bike and ran up the stairs. Adrenaline made me faster but I still had trouble.
I nally made it and saw there was no light on in the room and, as quiet as I
could, opened and closed the door. I walked to the kitchen and was about to
head to my room when the light icked on. I stopped and froze. Where have you
been?! My parents demand. They were sitting at the parlor and looked very
unhappy. Um I… I stuttered. Youve been gone for 6 hours! And not a word to us
since then! Where. Have. You. Been?! My dad demands. I couldnt think of
anything. mom, Dad, you wouldnt believe me if I told you. I tell them. Try me.
My dad says in an icy voice. I gulped. I was dead meat. You see I showed my
book to Jake and we got sent into it and we only just got free. I swear we didn’t
do anything bad. I tell them. My mom shook her head in shame. Riley. Tell us the
truth. But it is the truth! I swear it! I tell them. My dad walks over to me. Fine
if you wont tell us then no phone. For a week. He says and holds out his hand.
And no after school things either. Just school and counseling then straight home.
Wait scratch that. Ill take you to and from school for the next week. My dad
says. Deep trouble. I quietly handed over my phone and trudged to my room. I
closed my door and heard them whisper arguing. I fell on my bed and looked at
my clock. 11:47. How did I stay there for 6 hours?! It felt like ten minutes. I got
ready for bed and laid down on my bed and looked at my ceiling. How could this
happen? And why did it happen to me? I would have to wait another day before
getting to talk with Jake. I thought back to the forest and the feel of being
safe in his arms…. Stop Riley! I tell myself and turn over and fall asleep.