FUNDAMENTALSOF PSYCHOLOGYSession 1 1. Neurotransmitters A view into biology of Psychology2. Evolution The boundary of psychologyCourse contentsDay 1Day 2 3. Social Psychology How we interact with the world4. Cognitive psychology5. Personality Psychology Who am I and what is me6. Spiritual Psychology What is my relationship w/ myselfDay 3 Neurotransmitters(Chemical Messengers)1. Dopamine2. Serotonin3. Oxytocin4. Endorphins5. Adrenaline6. Cortisol The Bright Sideyoutube.comDopamine Rhesus Monkeys andBiological AddictionBiology 342 Fall 2012 byChrissy Schmidt and LizPekarskayaDopamine DopamineSapolsky’sExperimentSource: YouTube 1 dopamine response 2 dopamine response 3 dopamine response Importanceof DopamineDopamine plays an important part in1. Learning2. Motivation3. Mood4. Attention5. Movement The Bright Sideyoutube.comSerotonin Serotonin as Victory andConfidence hormone Importanceof SerotoninSerotonin plays an important part in1. Regulating mood, happiness and anxiety2. For stimulating the parts of the brain thatcontrol sleep and waking3. Low levels of serotonin are associated withincreased libido, while increased serotoninlevels are associated with reduced libido. OxytocinLove hormoneThe Bright Oxytocin and DogsOxytocin-gaze positive loop and the coevolution of human-dog bonds,Science, Vol 348, Issue 6232, 17 April 2015 Importanceof OxytocinOxytocin plays an important part in1. Sexual arousal2. Recognition3. Trust4. Romantic attachment5. Mother–infant bonding EndorphineThe Bright Endorphins andphysical labor/ pain Endorphine plays an important part in1. Body’s natural pain relievers2. Exercise-induced euphoria (runner's high)3. Endorphins have been found to be associatedwith states of pleasure, including suchemotions brought upon by laughter, love, sex,and even appetizing food.Importanceof Endorphine AdrenalineThe Bright AdrenalineFight Flight Freeze 1. Adrenaline enriches your blood and gets itwhere it’s needed2. Adrenaline gives you superhuman painresistance. It helps knock down your body’sability to sense pain3. Adrenaline unlocks your absolute maximumstrength (for a few moments, at least)Importanceof Adrenaline CortisolStress/Wakefulness 1. Manages how your body uses carbohydrates,fats, and proteins2. Regulates your blood pressure3. Increases your blood sugar (glucose)4. Controlling your sleep/wake cycle5.6. Boosts energy, so you can handle stress andrestores balance afterwardImportanceof Cortisol Positive and Negativesof NeurotransmittersNeurotransmitters Positive NegativeDopamin Motivation to do good things Motivation to openInstagramSerotonin Victory Public PerceptionOxytocin Love Violence to protectrelationshipEndorphine Exercise Self harmAdrenaline Fight threats Makes you nervous talkingto girlsCortisol Wakefullness Stress Neurotransmittersand PsychologyA Philosophical Discussion AScala NaturaeDarwin & theCreationistsA: medieval Great Chain of BeingB: 1579 drawing of the Great Chain ofBeing from Didacus Valades [es],Rhetorica ChristianaB