Talking about stuff because nina magladene did it lolAnd I never catch trends so it’s time to hop on the boatOkay so y’all know those people who likeAre so excited for Halloween and then AS SOON AS THE CLOCK STRIKES TWELVE ONOCTOBER 31STITS IMMEDIATELY CHRISTMASLike I swear these people are opening their eyes IN SYNC TO WAKE UP AND CHRISTMASIFYTHEIR HOUSES 😭 😭 😭Like don’t get me wrong I’m a Christian I love Christmas it’s in the nameBUT CHILL YALL IT AINT EVEN THANKSGIVING YET 😭But yeah I live thanksgiving tbhThis is probably just me but I like dry turkeyLike really dry MAYBE IM JUST AS WEIRD AS NOVEMBER IS EARLY CHRISTMAS PEOPLEmy favorite dessert in thanksgiving is definitely P U M P K I N P I E like tbh that stuff isstraight fire got me crackedI also like cranberry sauce right next to it on my dessert plate so I can eat it like jello like ILOVE IT I just kinda eat my food weird lolAlso all this samcattt and bangchan drama like my guy actually—😭 😭 👁 👄 👁 😐 😐 😐 🫲 🫲🫵 🫵 🫵Like don’t get me wrong I love those creators but COME ON GUYS I’m done ranting about itthough cuz I already did lolAnyways thanks for letting me talk to youSPREAD THE LOVE GUYS HEART TO HEART OMG