JMCtestQuestionsQuestion1Howmanyminutesis itfrom2335todayto0115tomorrow100 110 120 130 140MrRowlesway2515 60100815 8 0.4v0.2by1040.5by10Questionwhichoftheseisequalto0.140.20.3 0.4 50.01 0.02 0.04 0.1 0.4Answerwehave 0.1 0.2 10.3 0.6andtherefore 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2itfollowsthat 1 0.2 0.3 0.410.5 0.2 0.5Now 0.2 0.5 87 3 0.4therefore 0.4 0.4 5 0.4 Question3Samhaseatenthreequartersof thegrapeswhatistheratio ofthememberofgrapes thatremaintothenumberSamhaseatenI3 1 4 1 5 1 G i 7Answer1 3When Sam haseaten3 4 ofthegrapes ty ofthegrapes are leftthereforetheratioofthenumberofgrapeslefttothenumberSamhaseatenist Thisis thesoreasI3Question4whichof thefollowingfine shapescanbe cutintofourpiecesby asinglestraight cutAnswerQuestion 5on Aoife's 16birthdayBusterwasthree times herageOnAoife's21 howoldwasBuster 32 48 53 63 64AnswerWhenAoife'sagewas16Buster'sagewas 3 16 48ThereforeBusteris48 16 32years olderit followsthatwhen Aoife was21Buster'sagewas21132553Question 6which oftheseis closest to 17.09 6.918 7.17 6.7 7.085ExplanationTheoptionthatisclosest to isthe one whosedifferencefrom 7 issmallerthan for any of theother optionswe have 7 09 7 0.097 6.918 0.0827 17 7 0.17V6.70.3and7 085 7 0.085We see the smallest of these differences is0.082 Itfollowsthatofthe given numbers it is 6.918 thatisclosestto7