The boy next door. Pt 12. Chapter: Apollos point of view
Ever since whatever his name is came to the U.K he has been hogging
Sin-U, and that makes me feel a little bit jealous. “ooo, someone is jealous”
Vera said in a annoying childish tone. “Just shut up Vera!” I yelled at her.
“Jeez, you are obsessed with him” Vera said in a serious tone this time. As
soon as I got home I ran up to my room and slammed the door door so hard
that my bookshelf fell, I picked up the bookshelf and sorted out all the
things by color and shape like before. I looked at my maths homework and
threw it away. Why do I even need that no matter how much I try I won’t
be good at anything at all. I looked at my phone and saw a text from my
boyfriend I looked at it and it said that “we should breakup” reading that
somehow made a sharp pain on my throat go away. “Oh, ok whatever” I
replied and I quickly blocked him. No more pain for me, I opened my
window and sat on my roof. The cool breeze felt nice on my face, I took of
my shirt and felt relieved. “HEY APOLLO” a familiar voice said from under
my roof. I looked down and saw Sin-U. His smile made feel so warm that I
almost felt like fainting, “wait down there” I said, I quickly went in my
room and grabbed a rope. I slowly let the rope down from my roof so it
won’t hit his darling porcelain face. “Tie it around your waist and hold on
to the rope I’ll pull you up” I said quietly. “Ok” he said with a smile, he
proceeded to tie the rope on his waist and he tugged on the rope letting me
know that he is holding on to it. I pulled slowly pulled him up, I held out
my hand to pull him up fully. We made eye contact and I felt like kissing his
pink lips. But he has a boyfriend, “why did you leave me? You know, he
was just joking by the way” Sinny said “yeah, but I was having a headache
and I was really tired” I replied casually. “Oh! Understandable” He said. I
blush, he is such an understandable person. Man I love him so much, he
leans and I lean in as well. “You have something on your cheek” he said as
he moved away taking a peace of a broken leaf. “Oh! Thanks” I said with a
believable fake smile. It was dark outside so we stayed quiet and looked at
the stars. The night sky was packed with stars, we were laying on the roof. I
looked at him and he looked at me. He puts my his forehead on mine, “your
such a good friend” he says with a smile. “Oh, thanks” I said with a smile. I
feel like I’ve been shot in the chest twice, we talked for a while until he had
to go I let him down and he walked to his house. I get inside and close my
window, I shower, dry up, and change. I go to sleep since I have to go to
school tomorrow.