I need friends, who want to talk with me?🎅Me and why Santa tho😭 🤚*sniff sniff sadly*He is a banger 🎅Ayo? (Rlly dirty minded)like the song “I sawmommy kissing Santa”lmaoooThat shiii hits differentWait the song-😳 orSanta🫣Both infact😩 NA SANTA BE ONSOME P3D0 SHIIIIIISTGFR WHY HE ALWAYS GOT 6 YEAROLDS ON HIS LAP TF?! Like “whatWOulD YoU lIkE fOr CHrIsTMaSBrEnda~”FR THO I DON’T BLAMELITTLE KIDS CRYING ATHIS OLD AS LMFAOOOLIKE GO WITH MRS.CLASE HONESTLY P3D0MF Like , my brother in Christ, you have the elves-I mean, um you have your wife, chill🙄LMAOOO FR THO LIKE HEHAS SOO MANY H03SLMFAOOO IM DYING RNFRRRR IM GOING TO DIE💀💀Simply, me personally I wish I could pullas many ppl as he does, like dayum😩BUT U CAN LIKE IM FALLING FORU JUST KNOWING YOURPERSONALITY RN (DON’T ASK)BUT FRR THO U CAN☠XD, Thanks I guess? I won’t ask , butanyways 😩Anyways what?😳 I’m scaredrn lmaoGood I…. I have a bad feeling rn😭 🤚…..anyway😩 (again) have anyhobbies~✨ ❤Hmmmm typing to people,art, video games, eating becI need to or ima get in troubleand last but not least gettinggrounded every 0.01seconds hbu? 0.0Yeah same , but currently I’m listeningto Post Malone 💀 . I have no morequestions……….so I like want ask youquestions but I don’t want to be like“how old are you-“ and then you becreeped tf out🥸 ❤Oop I’m 13 hbu?and I don’t getcreeped out easilywhen I have aweird as brother… Lol, I’m 13 also :3 I have older brothers butthey cool, ………….so now what-Idk brb tho have to take out mydog…Have fun…😈