POEMFORR5 22PgRedfor state farmm They say that happiness will find you. But I think sadness finds you too, It sneaks up on you indarkness, Just when you think you've made it through, It opens holes in what was solid ground, Thekind you never know are there, Until you go to take another step. And find you're standing over air.The world around you passes by, In blurs of colour and sound, Nothing around you making sense.As you continue your plummet down, You can't remember how it started, And you don't know whenit will end, But you know that you'd give anything. To stand up on your feet again, Sadness is thatfeeling, When the falling doesn't stop. And it saps your life of meaning, ButAnd all the good things that you've got, So when you finally hit rock bottom, And you look back upat the sky. What you once had seems so far away. The only thing left to do is cry, People all yell out"save yourself", Calling things about "happiness" and "hope", they're too busy with their lives torealise,It'd be a lot quicker if they let down a rope.By Nylah.D