“So you do you like it here so far Len?” I asked Waylen curiously. “Wellsince you’re here I love this place” he said with a big smile. We laughed forno reason, we soon realized that we ended up at a park, “wanna sit on thebench” I asked him. “Sure!” He said, “last one to the bench is a rottenBibimbap” he said. We run to the bench. He gets there first. “HA, in yourface Sinny” he said and started he slowly shaken his head with a smile onhis face. I get there last and started painting and gasping for air “you’re fastLen” I said, as soon as I was able to take a breath. We sat down and wetalked for so long. He pulled me close to him “I missed you so much Sinny”he said softly, “I missed you too Len” I said quietly. I laid my head on hisshoulder “so who got you a dog?” He asked me “my eomma and appa” Isaid “what’s his name?” He asks me “his name is Pollo” I said, “that’s cool”he said, he kisses my cheeks but this time with out asking, “are we friendswith benefits now?” I asked him, “yeah if you want to put like that” Hesaid. “Oh ok, remember when you said about the gay thing” I told him,“mhm, what about it” he said, “is that what it’s called?” I said, “yep! whena person likes someone that is the same gender as them and they never feltromantic feelings for a someone that is the opposite gender, it’s called Gayor Lesbian, I think their is more ways to say it but those are the only ones Iremember right now, for the exception of mine” he says with a smile, wetalk the whole time about it and start walking home, we walked hometogether hand in hand. “I’m so tired of walking” I whined, he scoops me upalong with Pollo, I blushed then I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in myroom, I went down stairs and went to kitchen I looked at the table theirwas a note left from my mom and dad I picked it up and read it “Hey Sinny,sorry we aren’t home we got called to the office to finish some unfinishedpaperwork. We are deeply sorry that we won’t spend your birthday withyou, I hope you forgive us” I put the note aside and fed Pollo, I went outsideand sat on the front porch, I took out my headphones then took out myIPod and played rock music. “Hey cutie” a familiar voice said, I looked upand saw Way-Len “hey Len” I replied. He sat next to me and we startedtalking, “you seemed bothered, what happened Sinny” he asked me. “Myparents aren’t here for my 16th birthday because they are of doingpaperwork” I said with. “It’s ok Sinny, at least I’m here” he said. “Say,wanna head inside, And make out?” he said.