NiaineDemonym: NiaineerGovernment Type: AnarchyCapital City: PracacDemonym: PracacnerOther Cities: Eblan, Tederist, Chererhill, Pheles, Cophvega, and LestgreenBordering Countries and regionsA deep escarpment that crosses the border of neighbouring country Acenano beyond to the North,neighbouring country Whaphy to the East,neighbouring country Terta to the South, anda wide mountain range that crosses the border of neighbouring country Shescore beyond to the West.GeographyArea: 1,035,759 sq mi / 2,682,603.50 sq km (Massive Land)The land is predominantly covered in mangrove swamp,with grass savannah to the North,low hills to the North-East,and plains to the North-West.The weather is usually warm and windy.PopulationPopulation: 243,403,365 (243.4 Million approx) (47% male, 53% female)Population Density: 235 people per sq mile (Moderate)Life expectancy: Male: 79 years, Female: 74 yearsAverage children per family: 2Population Density: 27% urban, 30% suburban, 43% rural.Ethnic Groups:96% Indigenous population, 3% Former Colonist Descendants, 1% RefugeesLanguages: There are 5 official languages, with 8 others spoken.Religious Beliefs:1% Major religion,58% Minor religion,41% Atheist.MilitaryTotal Military Personnel: 1,340,453 (0.55% of the total population).Active Military: 394,992 (0.16% of the total population).Maximum Military Manpower: 7,292,857 (3.00% of the total population).This is the total amount of able bodied citizens who could take up arms if necessary, regardless of age, sex and military experience.---They are seen as a pacifistic nation.They have a defensive pact with 2 other countries.They use modern military equipment.Military service is not mandatory.EconomyUnemployment rate: 27% of the population is unemployed.Poverty rate: 33% of the population lives in poverty.Literacy rate: 28% of the population can read and write.They have fair technological capabilities but restrict access to worldwide communications networks.Resources: Niaine has several natural resources, most notably:1 - Grazing livestock,2 - Grain crops,3 - Fertile farmland, and4 - Coal.CultureNiaine is well known for its cuisine, instruments, and music style---Homemade pickles and chutneys are common accompaniments to Niaineer meals. They use a specific instrument in a lot of theircultural music. Niaineer music tends to be very fast paced. Their people are often stereotyped as being backwards.Contop3 types of coin:Name/(Material):Copper Part (Copper) |Silver Bit (Brass) |Gold Coin (Silver)------------------------(1) Copper Part(1) Silver Bit = (15) Copper Parts(1) Gold Coin = (25) Silver Bits or (375) Copper Parts------------------------======For ReferenceA loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: (1) Copper Part====== ------------------------PEASANT EXPENSES (MONTHLY)------------------------Food and provisions: (90) Copper Part / (6) Silver Bit.Rent and/or taxes: (37) Silver Bit / (1.47) Gold Coin.Misc: (28) Silver Bit / (1.12) Gold Coin.Total: (71) Silver Bit / (2.83) Gold Coin.------------------------INCOME (MONTHLY)------------------------A peasant farmer's earnings: (112) Silver Bit / (4.49) Gold Coin.An average citizen's earnings: (182) Silver Bit / (7.28) Gold Coin.------------------------PROPERTY------------------------A house; cramped but adequate: (24,780) Copper Part / (1,652) Silver Bit.A house; average for a peasant: (284,970) Copper Part / (18,998) Silver Bit.A "cheap" luxury house/mansion: (79,792) Silver Bit / (3,191.66) Gold Coin.------------------------ADVENTURING/MISC------------------------A room and meal at an inn: (58) Copper Part / (4) Silver Bit.A basic horse and its trappings: (377) Silver Bit / (15.09) Gold Coin.A week's travelling provisions: (144) Copper Part / (10) Silver Bit.