Demonym: Niaineer
Government Type: Anarchy
Capital City: Pracac
Demonym: Pracacner
Other Cities: Eblan, Tederist, Chererhill, Pheles, Cophvega, and Lestgreen
Bordering Countries and regions
A deep escarpment that crosses the border of neighbouring country Acenano beyond to the North,
neighbouring country Whaphy to the East,
neighbouring country Terta to the South, and
a wide mountain range that crosses the border of neighbouring country Shescore beyond to the West.
Area: 1,035,759 sq mi / 2,682,603.50 sq km (Massive Land)
The land is predominantly covered in mangrove swamp,
with grass savannah to the North,
low hills to the North-East,
and plains to the North-West.
The weather is usually warm and windy.
Population: 243,403,365 (243.4 Million approx) (47% male, 53% female)
Population Density: 235 people per sq mile (Moderate)
Life expectancy: Male: 79 years, Female: 74 years
Average children per family: 2
Population Density: 27% urban, 30% suburban, 43% rural.
Ethnic Groups:
96% Indigenous population, 3% Former Colonist Descendants, 1% Refugees
Languages: There are 5 official languages, with 8 others spoken.Religious Beliefs:
1% Major religion,
58% Minor religion,
41% Atheist.
Total Military Personnel: 1,340,453 (0.55% of the total population).
Active Military: 394,992 (0.16% of the total population).
Maximum Military Manpower: 7,292,857 (3.00% of the total population).
This is the total amount of able bodied citizens who could take up arms if necessary, regardless of age, sex and military
They are seen as a pacifistic nation.
They have a defensive pact with 2 other countries.
They use modern military equipment.
Military service is not mandatory.
Unemployment rate: 27% of the population is unemployed.
Poverty rate: 33% of the population lives in poverty.
Literacy rate: 28% of the population can read and write.
They have fair technological capabilities but restrict access to worldwide communications networks.
Resources: Niaine has several natural resources, most notably:
1 - Grazing livestock,
2 - Grain crops,
3 - Fertile farmland, and
4 - Coal.
Niaine is well known for its cuisine, instruments, and music style
Homemade pickles and chutneys are common accompaniments to Niaineer meals. They use a specific instrument in a lot of their
cultural music. Niaineer music tends to be very fast paced. Their people are often stereotyped as being backwards.
3 types of coin:
Copper Part (Copper) |
Silver Bit (Brass) |
Gold Coin (Silver)
(1) Copper Part
(1) Silver Bit = (15) Copper Parts
(1) Gold Coin = (25) Silver Bits or (375) Copper Parts
For Reference
A loaf of bread that costs $1 IRL: (1) Copper Part======
Food and provisions: (90) Copper Part / (6) Silver Bit.
Rent and/or taxes: (37) Silver Bit / (1.47) Gold Coin.
Misc: (28) Silver Bit / (1.12) Gold Coin.
Total: (71) Silver Bit / (2.83) Gold Coin.
A peasant farmer's earnings: (112) Silver Bit / (4.49) Gold Coin.
An average citizen's earnings: (182) Silver Bit / (7.28) Gold Coin.
A house; cramped but adequate: (24,780) Copper Part / (1,652) Silver Bit.
A house; average for a peasant: (284,970) Copper Part / (18,998) Silver Bit.
A "cheap" luxury house/mansion: (79,792) Silver Bit / (3,191.66) Gold Coin.
A room and meal at an inn: (58) Copper Part / (4) Silver Bit.
A basic horse and its trappings: (377) Silver Bit / (15.09) Gold Coin.
A week's travelling provisions: (144) Copper Part / (10) Silver Bit.