The Intelligent investor
1 An investment operation is one which upon through
analysis promises softy of Principal adquate
return operations not meeting these
requirementsare not an investment it's speutations
z o a defensive investor is one interested in saftyfreedom
from Bother 25 to 751 stocks or bonds depend
on earnings yields PE ratio or bond eupon
EEE yowHowever to enjoy a reasonable chance for continued
better than average results the investor must follow
policies which are
To timeless inhaniently sound Promising
2 not popular on wall street
chapter there is no corrilation between stocks
infation government policy can change anytime
questions every investor should ask themselves
4 Hisframe of mind hishope for
appreciationhis satisfaction
or discontent with what hehas
done above all hisdecisions
what to do next are all
determinednot in patrospective ofa lifetime of investment but
Ratherby his experiencefromeveryinvestorshould take a
year to yearframe of 25 year while
investing ie main higer
infation in future
MY largest
34 yr falactuationbut Boom inhisto
Over 3year 1949notinterest
1920 29
stockmanat 1950 74