ARD answerscouldbevaulttracksName GuesstheTaylor songfromthelyJust a smallTown boyand girl livingin a crazyworldAnswerI'm not a princess this ain't a fairytaleAnswerThe battle's in your handsnow but I willlaymyarmordownAnswerTo youngto know it gets betterAnswerI'veknown itfromtheverystart we're ashot inthedarkestdarkAnswerCuz all the boysintheir expensive carsAnswerSay I couldn't fit it on one page I d nI oncebelieved love would be burningred butit'sgoldenAnswerstood on the Cliffside screaming give me a reasonAnswerDust collected on mypinneduphairAnswerDidyousee thephotos No I didn't butthanksthoughAnswersoon they'd be pushingstrollers butsoonit wasoverAnswer