Muffin recipe on second page 😊
Why do I almost always get paired with the most
unreliable nimrods on the face of planet earth for
group work? I had to work with my table group in
science for a lab and I did all the work, like literally
everything. Even the teacher knows, she came by
my table twice and asked for someone else to do
the work. The boy at my table then proceeded to
do the second experiment by himself with the help
of me while the two girls just sat there like npc’s.
🧍 every month we switch the sitting chart and so
far I’ve always had the most useless table mates.
I’m not angry, or annoyed I’m just tired. This
happens in almost all my classes. People riding o
of my back, me burdening myself with everyone’s
work. One time in communications we had a
project that was worth more than 100 points, we
worked on it for about a month. Guess who did all
the work? ME. My group mates went o to do their
own thing! We got extra credit because of me, best
score in the class. I’m not upset, just disappointed.
Very disappointed and sad I think? I’m not too
sure. My family says to just not do the work, but if I
don’t do it who will? I’m also thinking of doing
extra math classes so I can be in geometry next
year. More work and stu so I can also be in
advanced science. All advanced classes for me.
Hooray!😁 I’m so excited!