. Are You A Good Gf!? (Let’s Find Out)You set up plans with your bf/gf but you and your friends have plans on thesame day. What are you gonna do?A. Tell him/her the truth and cancel on him/herB. Try to be at two places or events at onceC. Cancel on him/her without telling him/herD. Other: type or write it inhere.Him or her is wearing something that looks ugly to you what are gonna say toher/him?A. Ewww take it off it’s hideous!B. Can you changeC. Lie and say it’s cute but, let the, make a fool of themselves and embarrassyou as wellD. Other: type or write it in here.You guys at the house chilling and watching a movie but the movie is notyour type of movie! What are you doing?A. Leaving and him/her alone to watch by themselvesB. Just sit through it and pretend to enjoy it for their happinessC. Trying to guilt trip to watch what you wantD. Other: type or write it here.EI picknext moviethoughCancel plans with friendsLet them wear what they want to wear. I willlove them either way