Are You A Good Gf Test!?
. Are You A Good Gf!? (Let’s Find Out)
You set up plans with your bf/gf but you and your friends have plans on the
same day. What are you gonna do?
A. Tell him/her the truth and cancel on him/her
B. Try to be at two places or events at once
C. Cancel on him/her without telling him/her
D. Other: type or write it in
Him or her is wearing something that looks ugly to you what are gonna say to
A. Ewww take it off it’s hideous!
B. Can you change
C. Lie and say it’s cute but, let the, make a fool of themselves and embarrass
you as well
D. Other: type or write it in here.
You guys at the house chilling and watching a movie but the movie is not
your type of movie! What are you doing?
A. Leaving and him/her alone to watch by themselves
B. Just sit through it and pretend to enjoy it for their happiness
C. Trying to guilt trip to watch what you want
D. Other: type or write it here.
I pick
next movie
Cancel plans with friends
Let them wear what they want to wear. I will
love them either way