(2ps) Tiny Break
25.75 / 34
Ok I am going to take a break. The gallery has been a strange
place lately… it’s been infested with drama, and I just feel weird
about it, it feels like it’s been growing more toxic? Or it is just me? I
don’t feel like it’s as supportive anymore, but it is always easier to
focus on all the bad things in life. Anyways, I have some tests that I
need to focus on (and Fortnite…). So I am going to take a break! I
will still be drawing and possibly liking/commenting but I dunno
anymore. Just wanted to pop in and say also thanks for 293
followers in 8~ months! It means a lot to me that so many people
appreciate me in some way! Thanks for motivating me to draw
more too! I hope one day I can make even more art.