it didn’t work. It just keeps saying “Your network is blocking connection to our game servers. Get moredetails on how to fix this here”Then this pops up on another website if I’m trying to fix it: Test FailedWebSocket connection to *.gimkitconnect.comWhat It MeansYou won't be able to connect to our game servers. This will prevent you from hosting & participating in allgame modes.How To FixUnblock both of the following domains:https://*.gimkitconnect.comwss://*.gimkitconnect.comNote that these are both wildcards. Gimkit needs access to every subdomain for both HTTP Requests &WebSockets on to work properly.If the firewall check test below passed, this is most likely an issue with your school's proxy network. Gimkitrequires secure Websockets, which can cause issues with some proxy servers. You may need to allow* in your proxy’s security settings. SSL is used to encrypt data between devices andservers. Networks that monitor SSL activity sometimes replace our certificates with those of themonitoring service. This can cause authentication errors. *.gimkitconnect.commay need to bypass networkmonitoring.