Idk i think i might quit notability gallery. If i do, i just want you guys to know, you all are amazing andhelped me with what i do and with my mental health. I might go on to other hobbies like mountainbiking and going to a shooting range with my father and driving ATVs but i will still do art every oncein a week or so. I dont know what to do but i am figuring it out. God bless you guys an i hope i wasa good impact on here and what i did helped a lot out. Im still deciding if i want to quit or not. But alli know is that everything will be okay. And ive learned to respect myself. But i dont know what to doyet. Ill keep you updated. If you want to convince me to stay you can. Its rather a 50 50 situation.But for now. Im staying. Just for now. Thank you all for everything. Have a nice day.