deadplate is set in the 1960s and this silly fella named rody is working at a french resteraunt (infrance) to earn money to make his gf manon love him more (ill get back to that) at the diner his chefis low key fine no no jk the chef is named vincent and hes like rly wierid and stuff and a lot happenslike every night rody has these scary dreams where he gets itchy and stuff but in the main endingvince kills manon bcuz hes obsessed with rody and wants him all to himself and stuff and he tcooks masons dead body and tried to feed her to rody but he doesnt end up eating it and thenvance tries to kill rody and vince bites rodys ear off (yuck) and rody ends up killing vince (yay) andthen sets fire to the resteraunt and in the end you see messages from manon and rody and manonwas talking about how she wanted to seperate herself from rody because hes a ppl pleaser and shesays “i cant watch you slowly kill your self anymore for me” rly sweet i love her smguys i cant tell do i like deadplate