At this point u are telling me that I’m not a Muslim when in the Quran it states that u CANNOT tell aperson they are not Muslim. Let Allah take care of them. And the lying, that was not intentional. Asin is only acted upon a person that does it intentionally and my intention was to END the problem.How dare u tell me I’m not a Muslim. You saying this is haram. And your stating I wanted you to bemy gf when I didn’t and u have no evidence of this. This problem is not about notability anymore it’sabout religion. And the type of culture and Muslim I am let’s us marry at a young age above 20. Yousaying these things are bad for your reputation and to Allah. Maybe you should read the Quran andsee that you CANNOT say I am not Muslim. That is gods judgment. And rn it looks like u r playinggod which is ALSO haram.I can bring my mom into this because she a serious Muslim and we can finish this. I can legit banyou for harassment over religious reasons and maybe u would stop. All I wanted was to be yourfriend and u just keep. Playing. God. Like stop!Maybe u should listen to Surah All Baqara