i’m so done
i'm not sure why i'm
wasting my time
doing art like this. i
wish i could be like
someone else. i wish
my art looked good. i
wish my friends/family
liked it.
no, it's creepy. — my
aww, come on. you
can do better! — my
Don’t mean to make
this come out rude so
bare with me here if
you are feeling this
stressed about are and
peoples approval the
you should wake up
because you shouldn’t
care about what
people think about you
you should only think
about you not them
and if your mom or
dad hates you then idk
🤷 just get through the
day knowing that all
you need is food sleep
water and loving
yourself but if this
doesn’t help you then
I’m sorry and hope you
can someday nd to
love yourself and not
care what other people
think of you.