BEi'm not sure why i'mwasting my timedoing art like this. iwish i could be likesomeone else. i wishmy art looked good. iwish my friends/familyliked, it's creepy. — mysisteraww, come on. youcan do better! — myDon’t mean to makethis come out rude sobare with me here ifyou are feeling thisstressed about are andpeoples approval theyou should wake upbecause you shouldn’tcare about whatpeople think about youyou should only thinkabout you not themand if your mom ordad hates you then idk🤷 just get through theday knowing that allyou need is food sleepwater and lovingyourself but if thisdoesn’t help you thenI’m sorry and hope youcan someday find tolove yourself and notcare what other peoplethink of you.