i Q A questionsgabbieluvsmusic HowdidyougetinterestedinfigureskatingSo I went to a skating rink when I was 8yrs oldat home I told myparents that I wanted to figureskateas a sport So theygot me skates and 5yrs laterhereI amcylu728 Favoritecolorandwhymyfavcolor is pink because Ijustthinkits prettyand there are so manydifferentshades tomakeshadow236 What'syourfavfoodmy fav foodissushi I love howyoucan make it at homeandadd lotsof stuffto it to makeyourownrollof itgabbielausmusic nameandnationalityif its ok imgonna use mynicknamewhich is Daisy 1m american but imalsoScottish German Italian Irish FrenchandBritishmy ancestors were from Germany InlandandScottland Idk ifthis is importantbut impartofthe largestclan in Scottland Its also a royalclanthe ones from ScotlandandGermany married had ggchildren thenone of them marriedsomeonefromIrelandand hadkidsthentheymovedtofranceandstayedforacouplegenerationsthenthelastgenerationmovedto americaand thenhadmygreatGrandma thenshehadmygrandmathenshehadmymom thenshehadme