Q&A questions answered
i Q A questions
gabbieluvsmusic Howdidyougetinterestedinfigureskating
So I went to a skating rink when I was 8yrs old
at home I told myparents that I wanted to figureskate
as a sport So theygot me skates and 5yrs laterhereI am
cylu728 Favoritecolorandwhy
myfavcolor is pink because Ijustthink
its prettyand there are so manydifferent
shades tomake
shadow236 What'syourfavfood
my fav foodissushi I love howyou
can make it at homeandadd lots
of stuffto it to makeyourownrollof it
gabbielausmusic nameandnationality
if its ok imgonna use mynickname
which is Daisy 1m american but imalso
Scottish German Italian Irish FrenchandBritish
my ancestors were from Germany Inlandand
Scottland Idk ifthis is importantbut impartof
the largestclan in Scottland Its also a royalclan
the ones from ScotlandandGermany married had
children thenone of them marriedsomeonefromIrelandand had
thenthelastgenerationmovedto americaand thenhadmygreat
Grandma thenshehadmygrandmathenshehadmymom thenshehadme