I knew I was the daughter of light, and I had slashed the Son of War’s eye. Now, I didn’t blind himbut it was a deep slice. He looked at me and charged with his fist. I looked at Ares who had vinesready to choke him.I knew there was one way to snap Cole out of this. I dropped my shield as Cole’s fist came in slowmotion.“Dad... it’s not his fault.” I said softly. I closed my eyes as Cole punched my head Will all of hisstrength.Cole slammed Astraea as hard as he could. The second he touched her Ares’s spell wore off. It wasto late to stop. Cole looked around as his face pained him. He tapped his left eye and felt a sharppain. He looked as his hand was matted with blood. He looked at his knuckles that had some bloodtoo... but not his. He looked Ingrid him at the unconscious Astraea.He ran to her and fell to his knees.“Astraea?!?” He said softly.His eyes started to tear up, and it pained him because his left eye lead salty tears onto hisdeep slice. Her head was starting to bleed. He picked her head up slowly as more salty tears poureddown his face.It didn’t take him wrong to realize... it was his fault.He looked back at Are and pulled out his sword. The father and son still didn’t realize the vines stillwrapping around Ares.“What are you going to do boy?! She’s dead.” Ares said laugh. Cole couldn’t say anything. His heartwanted to die, but he wanted to kill. He looked at Ares and his grip tightened around his sword.Ares started to laugh. “You should die with her boy!” He said as a spear appeared in his hand.Cole looked up with his face matted in blood, and angry tears. “I don’t fear death. Death should fearme.” He said coldly. He was going to protect her body from hard.Suddenly ares flung into the air and then was getting choked by vines. Tyler appears with his eyesglowing a bright green as his hands stretched out.Cole saw an arrow barely miss Ares’s head. Cole turned to see Apollo. His was in a old Greek Tunic,and his hair was down and to his shoulders. . His put his bow down and looked at Cole for a secondthen Ares.He walked over and grabbed the golden ring from his necklace from Ares. “Dionysus will be lookingfor this.”“Shut up—”“I don’t think I will. Now scram before I tell father about, yet another betrayal.” Apollo said bitterly.Ares nodded and Apollo let Tyler know he could release him from the vines. Apollo walked back overand past Cole to Astraea.“Is... is she dead?” Tyler asked softly.Cole didn’t look up as he had no more tears left to cry. He was beyond tears.“No son of Demeter. She’s in a small coma. Major concussion. Can I get some nectar?”Apollo said looking at Cole. Tyler nodded and made a flower. Apollo grappled it and had Cole drinkthe nectar. Cole felt some relief from his face, but he couldn’t dare to even look at Astraea anymore.“It’s not your fault boy. It’s that mo— Your not in Olympus Apollo... your around kids.” He said softly.He tossed the ring to Tyler. “Take that back to camp. I’ll get you all a ride.” He said picking upAstraea. Cole looked at her for a split second before turning his head away. Tyler patted his back.“Bro.. it’s fine. Your back to normal, and she’s not dead.”Cole turned and looked at Tyler bitterly. “I brought you to keep me from being controlled! I did that! IDID THAT!”“Cole it’s not your—”“SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!” Cole yelled.Tyler looked at Cole. It hit Tyler, that Cole had felt things for her. Tyler nodded and walkedaway, but willing to get into fight.Apollo looked at the broken Cole. His face was better, and was bit a half scab and scar overhis eyebrow to his cheek. A golden chariot speared with white pegasus’s. Apollo set Astraea on achair, and told the boys to make sure she doesn’t hit her head again.Apollo looked again at Cole. “I... I forgive you.” He said softly with a smile. Cole looked up. He didn’trespond but looked down again.Two of parts of the prophecy were through. ‘The Daughter of Light will slice his eye,When she is onthe verge of death, the Son of War will mourn.’