I ran until I heard voices. They were taking a break and I did too. Then I heardscreaming and a laugh. I saw Cypher and Knole running in fear and Evelyn ranat them with her dagger. I chuckled and started after them. The day was prettyand they made good progress by the time the sun set. I overheard them talkingabout going to mount Othrys. Smart. So that was the place. The first line of theprophecy was figured out. Good for them. I think and lay out my sleeping bag inthe tree I had found. I used the customized straps to keep me from falling outin the night and listened to their conversations. What? So maybe it was invadingprivacy a little but an Aunt has the right to it right? Maybe not but I didanyway. A pulled out a tiny device Katie, my friend from the Hephaestus cabin,had made. It detected when monsters were 2 miles from the device. I turned iton and smiled as it turned on. I set it where it would wake me up if it foundsomething. I went back to listening. It was hard to hear but Knole was talkingto Cypher. Umm say your best friend had a thing for your sister… what then?Knole asked him. I smiled. Knole liked Evelyn. I could see it. Cypher wasconfused at first but reassured Knole that he was fine with Knole liking hissister. Knole voiced my thoughts. Satyr’s aren’t suppposed to love demigods! Itsunworthy and unholy. Its considered a sin! He said between sobs. I knew it wastrue no matter how wrong it was. I felt bad for Knole. He loved Evelyn but wasscared what would happen if something happened. I thought more about it whilethey set up for the night. I made sure they fell asleep before I did. The treewasn’t very comfortable but it concealed me from them. I wished Dev was withme. I felt awful for leaving him alone like that. Maybe I was in the wrong forleaving. I think.