The MarbleRollercoaster Club!If you have any other questions text me!jakedubransky@icloud.comSeniors, Juniors, andSophomores! How wouldyou like to get anotherchance at making anothercoaster? And Freshmen,you guys are also able tojoin this club too!In this club, you are going to be making a marble rollercoasterout of materials that you already have. If you get a group of2-4, you are able to join this club! We will most likely bemeeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Mrs. Cass’ room totake advantage of all the time we can. There will be moreinformation to come when we hold a meeting. If you areinterested in joining please meet me and Riley when we holdan interest meeting this Thursday in Mrs. Cass’ room. Hopeyou can make it! - Jake DuBransky Pres. and Riley WhippleVice Pres.