Name: _________________________________________ Hour: _________Activity 2.3: Is there a pattern to how traits are passed on?1. What is the number on your bin?2. Look at the picture of the fast plants you will be using in this experiment in your bin. (Use thediagram below to help you identify the following information)a. What is thephenotype (description) ofyour plant?b. What is thegenotype (capital letterswritten) of your plant?c. Color in the picture below to represent the parent plants that will be used in yourexperiment (*be sure to color the stem green or purple according to your phenotype)CaityBinDAnyAncPurple steamhairy1 Animal 3. Predict what the offspring (filial generation) will look like by coloring the pictures below:Filial generation 1:a. Why do you think this?2-4 days later:4. Examine the stems of the plants grown using a magnifying glass and color the picture(s) of theplants below that were produced:a. How many plants of that particular colored stem grew?b. What percent of the offspring were each of the colored stems below?Green: Purple:c. If (2) of the plants from this generation were crossed, what do you think their seeds wouldproduce (in filial generation 2)? Why?