I was in and out of consciousness though everything. I saw lights and faces thatwere blurry and tents. I couldnt think. It felt like years before i was finally ableto stay conscious. I groaned and looked around. I tried to sat up but my visionplunged into darkness. I lay back down and wait for it to clear. Ok, can’t sit up.Where am I? I think and recognize the white tent and quiet calm. The healerstent. Everything comes rushing back, the flight, the crash, the wind. Wait. Irealize in horror what it meant. The child has been taken. What child though? Iwanted to pace and think but staying conscious was a battle alone. I looked andsaw Devin in the cot next to me. He was awake and readying a book, but hiseyes were closed. I winced when I saw his leg in a cast and on his wrist. He wasasleep. I wanted to wake him up but when I tried to talk, nothing came out. Mythroat was so dry. I couldnt do anything but lay there. I hear Devin snore andsit up. He looks around and his eyes meet mine. He smiled and then lookedconcerned. He groans and shifts so he sits facing me. Hey, you ok? That was anasty fall you took. He said. I try to talk but another raspy whisper comes out.He helps me drink some nectar but it looks painful for him. The cool thick liquidruns down my throat and I breathe a Sigh of relief. Thanks. I tell him, a littleless raspy and more clear. No problem he says and sits back down painfully. So?He asks. Well, I feel like someone has taken a sledgehammer to my head and Ican’t even sit up. I tell him. He looks concerned and I try to smile to comforthim. It must have been more of a grimace. I notice my arm’s in a sling and myfoot in a boot and another bandage on my chest. How are you? I ask him. Hegestures to his arm and leg. Well, I didnt get a concussion and a broken rib butI sprained my wrist and broke mY leg. Though The healers said that I’ll be ableto walk later today if the nectar and ambrosia do their job. He says. I sigh inrelief that its not too serious. What was that wind? It came out of nowhere. Heasks me. I look at him. That was the thing the prophecy was warning about. Thechild has been lost and the wind and water will battle me till I save it. I tellhim slowly. His eyes shoot up. So, that means the quest has started? Didn’t yourmom say that once it started it couldnt be stopped? He asks. Yeah. I sigh. Whatare we going to do Dev? Both of us are injured and I can’t even sit up for cryingout loud. I tell him. He shifts and takes his hand in mine. Its going to ok. we justhave to take it one thing at time. He says. I speeze his hand and smile,wondering how I got so lucky. Then I heard a BOOM and the ground shook. I Heard campers screaming and a yell of rage. I start to panic, I couldnt move.Devin looked scared but grabbed some crutches and tried to walk to the tent
flap. He struggled, his leg heavy and wrist struggling to hold the crutch. Hereached the flap when wind hurled it open and he was pushed back. I gasped.Standing at the flap, sword in hand and eyes glowing blood red, was Cole. And helooked MAD. He ignores Devin and walks straight over to me. WHERE IS SHE?! Hedemands. Not only did my tongue not work, but I had no idea what he wastalking about. I just laid there, helpless. Devin tries to get up but slumps to theground. WHERE. IS. SHE?! Cole yells at me, not inches from my head. Who? I askhim when my tongue finally works. My daughter, she went missing last night andI found a note in your handwriting saying you took her. Where is she? He asksme again. I stared at him speechless. You think I took her? Me, of all people. Iask him. He seems to pause at this. You were set up. The real one who took heris after me too. As you can tell, there’s a reason I’m in the healers tent and can’tmove. I tell him. His glow fades a little and I see tears in his eyes. Then… whereis she? he asks me, tears running down his face. We don’t know. A voice wheezesand I see Devin who is trying to stand up with the help of his crutch. But, Lurais the one who is going to find her. She just got a prophecy yesterday. Heexplains. I realize it now. The lost child was Cole’s daughter. And I had to findher. Cole looked at me with a look that said ‘really? You?’ And ‘maybe I’ll get tosee her again’. I knew I couldnt let him down. The minute I can walk, me, Devin,and Nika will find her. I tell him. I see a spark of hope in his eyes. He nods. Well,then I should probably get back to Astraea and tell Chiron I’m sorry for bargingin uninvited.He says, returning back to normal Cole. Cole helped Devin back to hiscot and Devin let out a sigh of relief. Sorry about that. Cole says. No worries.Devin says. I watch as Cole leaves. I’ll have Hermes send you a note in themorning. Thanks Lura. I know Astraea will be relived that you three are helping.He says and leaves. I breathe out a breath I didnt know I was holding. Well,that was interesting. Devin says and I smile. Yeah, hopefully shes ok. I say.Meanwhile, somewhere in the mountains: A dark figure knelt over the tiny childand smiled a sinister smile. When they come for the child, they wont know whathit them. The figure says in a rough voice. It laughs and the awful soundreverberates throughout the mountain.