I can’t take it anymore., I want my mom gone I want her dead.She says I’m fucking stupid or autistic. I don’t see anythingwrong with being autistic but my mom calls me it because Italk back, or just being alive she always compares me to herfriends child’s “ omg look solo’s child looks so handsome! Heknows how to dress and his hair looks nice why can’t you looklike him? Or “ solo’s son doesn’t talk back, he reply’s w yesma’am, no ma’am when his mom tells him to do something hedoes it without saying a word! Why can’t you be like thatvictor? Are you autistic or some sh!t? Or are you just stupid.You should be put in classes for autistic people bc you actautistic or is it because your gay and dating that max boy.Maybe because you don’t act right is because your busydaydreaming about him riding you,or giving you head etc” likethe hell shut up I don’t want to hear it I don’t care about soso’schild JUST BE QUIET. I WANT HER HEAD ON A FREAKINGSPIKE I WANT HER TO JUST GO TO HELL.AND FOR GODSAKE DONT BRING MAX OR ME BEING GAY IT HASNOTHING TO DO WITH HOW I ACT JUST SHUT UP AND DIEROT IN HELL I HOPE SOMEONE SLITS YOUR NECK OPENGOD. WHY DO YOU EVEN HOLD IT OVER MY HEAD. YOUHAVE A GAY BROTHER AND YOUR FINE W IT BUT SINCE IMGAY ITS A BIG DEAL LIKE GOD AND MAYBE IF YOU USEYOUR BRAIN AND THINK THEN YOU WILL GRT WHY IM SOP1SSED AND RUDE TO YOU ALL THE TIME. YOU COMPAREME TO OTHER PEOPLE YOU SAY IM THIS AND THAT SO IFYOU WANT TO TREAT ME LIKE A PIECE OF SH!T THEN ILLDO THE SAME YOU B!TCH “ but your just a kid I’m an adult”YOU WHERE A KID TO, IM 16 FOR GOD SAKE AND JUSTBEACUSE IM A “KID” DOSNT MEAN I CANT TALK BACK.JUST SHUT UP. NOBODYS F**KING PERFECT WE CAN BELIKE SOMEONE ELSES CHILD AND WE CANT ACT SMARTALL THE TIME THERES STUFF WE DONT KNOW FOR GODSAKE.