Stories from the Closet
Stories from the closet
Hi I’m Leo. Im 13 and in 8th grade. As of now, or well about a year, I have been trans masc. F-M. I
come from a very conservative Christian family. I too am Christin but have a bit of dierent view. I
don’t know if I’m biased as a queer my self but I believe God still loves and excepts queers.
Anyways im am oldest of 6 I have three sisters and two brothers. Last year on the rst day of school
if you dont already know my sister passed away from an open wound and blood loss. I then
struggled with SH and other thoughts. I thankfully am better but not fully. I have not yet nor plan to
come out to my parents as either my identity or sexuality. I am Pan, Demisexual, and Trans. I have
an amazing boyfriend who is also Trans masc and my best friend of 7 years. As the title states I will
write about my experiences as a trans man in Texas. It’s hard but I have great and super supportive
friends along side me! Stay tuned for my st volume of TALES FROM THE CLOSET