Elements and Chemical Bonds 49Lesson 2Predict three facts that will be discussed in Lesson 2 after reading the headings. Record yourpredictions in your Science Journal.Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education.Compounds, Chemical Formulas, and Covalent BondsFrom Elementsto CompoundsI found this on page.I found this on page.I found this on page.Recall information about elements and compounds. Read eachstatement. If it is true, write T in the center column. If it is false, writeF in the center column and rewrite the underlined words to make thestatement true.Statement T or F CorrectionCompounds are chemicalcombinations of elements.Compounds usually have thesame properties as the bondsthey are made from.Atoms form bonds by sharingphysical properties.Define covalent bond.Describe types of covalent bonds.CovalentBondDescription ofValence ElectronSharingComment on theStrength of theBondSingleDoubleTripleCovalent Bonds—Electron SharingI found this on page.I found this on page.I found this on page.I found this on page.TFIs a chemical bond formed when two atoms share oneor more electrons.When two hydrogenatoms bond, they form asingle covalent bondIn a single covalent bond, 1pCovalent Bondelectrons is shared between)H:Hatoms. Each H atom shares 1,electron with the other.When one carbon atom bonds withtwo oxygen atoms, two double In a double covalent bond, 2 pairsof electrons are shared between twoatoms. One O atom and the C atomeach share 2 valence electrons withthe other.F The sharing ofelectrons causesbondsThe book says thedon’t have thesame property’sWhen two nitrogenatoms bond they forma triple covalent bondIn a triple covalent bond, 3 pairs ofelectrons are shared between twoatoms. Each N atom shares 3 valeneelectrons with the other. 50 Elements and Chemical BondsLesson 2 | Compounds, Chemical Formulas, and Covalent Bonds (continued)Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education.Identify 4 common properties of covalent compounds. CompoundsI found this on page.I found this on page.Complete the analogy.Atom is to element as is tocompound.Summarize the structure of polar molecules.sharing ofresults inpolarmoleculea partialand a partialExplain why water is a polar molecule.Differentiate polar and nonpolar molecules with regard to sharedelectrons.Polar Molecules Nonpolar MoleculesRelate the saying “like dissolves like” to the ability of compounds todissolve one another.I found this on page.I found this on page.I found this on page.I found this on page.The boiling/melting points of covalent compounds are low.They are soft in nature and relatively flexible.These compounds do not possess electrical conductivity.They have lower values of enthalpy of fusion/vaporization.ShareMoleculesBondingAddsBe removedA molecule that has a partial positive end and a partial negative end because of unequal sharing of electronsA water molecule is polar because the sharedelectrons are pulled closer to the oxygen atomthan the hydrogen atoms.A carbon dioxide molecule is non-polar because the shared electronsare pulled equally by the carbonatom and the oxygen atomsSuger dissolves in water l Elements and Chemical Bonds 51Lesson 2 | Compounds, Chemical Formulas, and Covalent Bonds (continued)Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education.Explain why there are many more covalent compounds than there are pureelements.I found this on page.Define chemical formula.Explain the chemical formula for a molecule of water. Describewhat each symbol represents.H2OIdentify four types of molecular models.MolecularModelsI found this on page.I found this on page.tIs a group of chemical symbols and number of atoms of each element that makes up a compound.Hydrogen Hydrogen OxygenDot Diagram Structural FormulaBall-and-Stick Model Space-Filling ModelBecause you have to mix chemicals to form a compound