SoE3 Lura POV 8
Dev and I had decided to get an apartment near camp so we could keep an eye
on things. Since we spent half the year away from the twins we felt like we
could do both houses. So here I was in a new apartment. It was not very
decorated but it was nice enough. Dev being a doctor meant he could work kind
of everywhere so he was gone for the days. Life was pretty uneventful. Most
days I got up did my workout then came and had breakfast then did nothing the
rest of the day. I got a lot of journal time though. With Evelyn gone, Grayson
was a tiny terror. He refused to stay asleep most nights and caused me and Dev
to lose hours of sleep, he refused to cooperate unless he wanted to. Man I could
use some charmspeak right now. I think on one occasion. I was trying to feed
him his bottle but he kept crying and pushing it away. I sighed and gave up. I
was In Grayson’s room in the rocker we had gotten. He just wasn’t having it.
Once again my thoughts strayed to the twins. I had no news from them and
even though I gured they were ne, was worrying my head off. I set Grayson
down for him to play and stared at the uffy white clouds From the window
that dotted the sky. Delivery for Mrs Lura Baxter? A voice said and I whipped
around and ngered my dagger. A man with curly blonde hair and a mischievous
grin stood In the doorway. He wore winged shoes and carried an envelope.
Hermes? I asked. The one and only. He said and ashed me a grin. I could see
the resemblance in him and CJ. Well he is her father. I think and turn my
attention back on him. For me? From who? I ask him as he hands me the letter.
From Cypher. He says. Thank you. I tell him and he Nods and leaves.. I open the
envelope. In it was a postcard of Castillo de San Marcos. The fort stood Atop a
hill overlooking the water. On the back was Cypher’s familiar handwriting.
‘Dear Lura, Devin, and Grayson. Hello from Castillo de San Marcos Florida!
Everyone is ne and Evelyn sends her love. Everything’s been pretty uneventful
besides meeting up with Jay(from Camp Jupiter) and gettting attacked at a
diner. But nobodies hurt so dont worry. We are following the propechy though
the town. Just wanted to check in! Also Lura you would love the history in this
place. Peace out, love Cypher. PS tell Devin I can see his recording hairline from
here. I smiled at the last bit. At least their ok. I think. Grayson brought me out
of my daze by crying and I sunk back into my bad mood.