In the morning I wake up to my sister barging in my room and yelling thatwe are late, I stand up and quickly change into my school uniform and myblack shoes. I run to the restroom, I brush my teeth, floss, and rinse mymouth with mouthwash. I grab my school bag. And walk to kitchen I seetoast on a plate I imagine their probably Vera’s, I snatch one and a eat onmy way to school, I see my mates and run to them we walk to a shop to getsome snacks for break. After we pay we walk to school and I see Sin-U. Iblush, “Are you ok Apollo? You seem red” one of my mates said. “Yeah, I’mok” I replied calmly, we wait till the teachers open up the schools door. Iguess guess Vera was wrong about us being late, I looked around and I sawWay-Len. What the heck is he doing here? Wait, he is supposed to go toschool. He waves at me but I ignore, he walks to Sin-U and hugs him frombehind, he gives Sin-U a kiss on the cheek. “So what are you guys going todo tonight” my friend asked. “Nothing” me and the rest of my matesreplied. “Great! I’m throwing a party tonight, their going to be loads ofdrink, Oh and Apollo I even invited the lady’s as well” My friend said, “coolI’ll be there” me and my friends said. “I invited the rest of the school so it’sgoing to be fun, and don’t worry I told my girlfriend to tell the girls from thegirls school to tell them” My friend finished saying. I looked around andsaw that Sin-U and Way-Len left their spot, I’m not jealous or anything, Ithink. The school doors open and we walk to class. I look around for Sin-U,he walks in with Way-Len, he looks looks so happy being around him. Sin-Uwalks to our table and sits. “Morning Apollo!” He said smiling. “MorningSinny” I replied with a smile as well. The teacher walk in and tells Way-Lento sit at our table. Way-Len smiles at Sin-U as he walks to our table, he sitsdown next to Sin-U. I look at Sin-U and I see that his hand goes down. I cantell that their are holding hands. “Ok students, today you guys will beworking on a group project” Mr. Flores said. “Way-Len you will be workingwith Sin-U and Apollo, since you don’t know what we have learned about”He continued. “Yes sir” Way-Len replied. “The project will be about thebody. the are two choices, you can either decide to do the top part which isthe head, torso, and arm. The bottom are the privates, legs, feet, and legs.”lets do the bottom parts” Way-Len said “you may get out off the class roomand go somewhere else for a quiet place” Mr. Flores finished. He sat downand started reading a book “let’s go to the library” Sinny said. Way-Len nodded and we walked out of the class to the library. “I need to go to therestroom” Way-Len said “It’s by Mr. Flores just go straight” Sin-U said.Way-Len made his way out of the library and walked to the restroom. Sinnysmiles at me and I smile back. We sit by a cozy corner and looked at eachthe whole time, it felt nice that he didn’t forgot about me.