interview questions
hey tributes
so the reaping day stories are finished! I hope you enjoyed the tales of Orchid,
Mackenzie, Kylie and Carper <3
next up is a story on a bullet train from the districts to the capitol, and then some
but after that will be some interviews! I’ll be interviewing your characters, but if you
want to take a more personal approach, then feel free to write your own interview or
answer some of the questions below!
Just remix this note and choose some to answer, or add your own questions!
no due date but the sooner the better ;)
How are you feeling about being here tonight?
Tell us a bit about yourself and your life back in District X
What strengths do you bring to the games?
Any special skills you have, or have been working on in training?
How have your mentors been preparing you for the arena?
What or who are you fighting for in the games?
Is there anyone back home you’d like to send a message to?
How are you finding the Capitol and its people? Any surprises or favorite moments so
What do you think of life in the Capitol compared to your home life?
Have you considered any alliances with other tributes?
Who do you see as your biggest competition among the other tributes?
How do you plan to handle the challenges and dangers of the arena?
What are your thoughts as the games come closer and closer?
Any final words for the audience and potential sponsors watching tonight?
What legacy do you hope to leave behind?