dragon team interview for why should be the (insert spy, le...
if you would really like to be a leader, spy, or co-leader, please ll this out
Do you know anyone from any other teams in person (mainly spy)
A brief description of your personality (be honest):
Why would you like to be the leader/spy/co-leader
What do you consider is good leadership?
Do you fall under this category (be super honest)?
What will your contributions be towards team dragon?
Can you maintain a schedule and respond to fellow team mates?
I'm smart and funny Atleast I think I am I m also verygood
at gettingpeopletodostuff I guessthatqualifies as leadership
I wantto be a leader or co leader because even tho I'm relativelynew
to Notability I think I'd make an awesome leader I am verygood at
negotiating andfindingsolutions that make everyone happy
A person who knowswhatto dounderpressure andwho doesn'tmake
I will try to listen towhateveryonehas to say so that no one
doesn'thave a say Eventho I barelyknowsomeof my teammates
I will trymybestto be a goodleader
Yes I check my notificationsdailyandsometimeshourly I will
How will you communicate with us so other teams spies don't nd out
what we're doing?
Do you think you are a qualied candidate?
definitelybeable tohearwhattheyhaveto say
I think we can discuss strategiesthroughcode or maybethrough
emailsothatthe otherteamswon t hear