𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓣𝓸 𝓓𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮Two weeks before Christmas and I still haven’t gotten my family anything. So, today is going to bemy busy day. When I get out of bed, I look out the window near my bed and I see that it finallysnowed. I go to my bathroom and brush the tangles out of my hair, and I put some makeup on. Ofcourse I don’t want to look like a slob. I come out of the bathroom and I pick a shiny red sweaterwith a pair of flare jeans. I put on my shoes and I go into my kitchen to get cereal. When I leave myroom, my doorbell sounds and I walk over to the door. It’s 8am, who would come over when mostpeople sleep in? Since it’s almost Christmas, most jobs are already shut down for the month. Igrumble until I reach the door and I open it. Cold air washes over me and I cross my arms. I don’tsee anybody until I look down, and I see a package. I bend down and pick it up. I turn it over in myhands and I shut the door. I walk back to the kitchen and I put the package on the counter. I look atwhere it says who the package came from and who it’s for. Must have been a mixup because it saysKieran Birdwhistle, and mine is Kadisha Darlington. I grab my purse along with the package. Once I
finish my shopping, I’ll return it to the local post office. I put on my jacket and I grab a cookie that Imade last night and I head towards the door. I lock it behind me and on the right side of my house, Isee a man with black hair in a tux coming out of his house to get a package as well. He has blackglasses and before I can pick out any more details about him, I look away and I head towards mycar in front of my house. His house is a lot more fancy than mine. He must be rich. And I moved lastmonth and we have never talked before. I put my keys in the car hole and I turn on the engine. Ittakes a little while for the car to finally warm up and once it does, I drive to Sioux Falls, which is 37minutes away since I live in Beresford SD.~After I get everything for my family and I’m back on the road, I head to the post office before I forget.I grab my purse and the package and I shove the car door shut. I turn around and I walk up thesteps to the door. As I’m about to grab the door handle, a man pushes the door open and I almost fall down the stairs. I must have looked like I was having a seizure because the man stops andstares at me. Once I regain my balance, I look up and I see it’s my neighbor from earlier. Our eyesmeet and his gaze turns ice cold like the weather and he leaves. I roll my eyes and I open the door.The least he could do was to hold the door open. I mean, I’m struggling to put my purse over myshoulder and I’m carrying a package. But I wave my frustration away like a fly in the middle of thenight and I pull open the door. I walk in and I walk over to the counter. I place the package on thecounter and I wait for somebody to come over. After a minute, a young woman who has blonde hairand emerald green eyes walks over and she smiles, “Can I help you?”“Yes, I got a package today but it was a mixup because it says over here that it’s for KieranBirdwhistle and I’m Kadisha Darlington.” I say and I point to the name. The woman looks at whereI’m pointing. “Oh, I’m sorry for that ma’am. Funny thing, a man just came in and he had a mixuptoo. He dropped off a package for Kadisha Darlington. And I believe that is you since you just toldme your name.” She says and turns around behind her and grabs a package, which says my name.From my mom. The woman grabs the package I dropped off and places it where she got mypackage from. “I’m so sorry that happened ma’am,” she says again and I smile.“No need to apologize.” I smile and I grab my package and I head towards the door. I walk back tomy car and I put my package with all the other stuff that I bought. I do wonder what my neighborsname is. I hope that’s not creepy. But maybe Kieran is my neighbor? Nah, I wouldn’t think so. Hedoesn’t even look like his name is Kieran. I shake my head and turn on the radio when I start drivingagain.