I was able to recognize his voice since it’s really loud. Andrew grabbed meby my arm and ran to the living room. “HEY GUYS SIN-U IS GOING TOMAKE TAKE HIS FIRST DRINK OF HIS LIFE” He yelled out. Everyonestarted screaming excitedly. and chanting my name, Andrew gave me thebottle he was drinking out of “go on drink it” he insisted. I don’t know howto drink so I just did what my dad does, I chugged the whole thing andwhipped my lips, everyone started yelling excitedly. I felt so alive, “wowSin-U” Apollo said “THAT WAS AMAZING” he yelled out. He picked me andtook me outside “their is more here” he said while opening a cooler. I grabone, I opened it and started drinking it. I felt like I was doing somethingwrong but it felt right, “Seems like you got the hang of drinking prettyquickly” Apollo said. I nodded, “so what do y’all do on party’s?” I askedApollo, “we mainly drink and sometimes make out if people get over theirlimits” he replied, “what’s your limit?” I asked him. “Like six or seven” hereplied with a smile. “I wonder what me limits are” I told him “you’ll seeonce you get tipsy” he said. We walked inside and went to the living wewere going to sit on the couch but there was only room for one person sinceall the other people took the rest of the spot to talk with their friends.“Wanna sit their?” I asked Apollo “No it’s fine you can sit their” he replied.We kept insisting each other until he sat down and pulled me on his lap. Iwas so red, “umm, Apollo are you tipsy?” I asked him “No, I just got tiredof arguing over who is going to sit the couch” he replied with a smile. Iwonder what’ll happen if Way-Len was here. “Looks like you two are gettingalong” said Vera walking towards us “whatever, Vera” Apollo said. Zerawalked away, I felt tired so I told Apollo that I wanted to go home “I’ll walkyou home” He said. We left the party and walked home, and I rememberedthat my parents aren’t going to be home for two weeks. “Can you stay withme?” I asked him “Like a sleepover?” He asked. I nodded, “Sure why not”he said. We walked in and I took my shoes off, Apollo did as well. I went tothe kitchen and filled Pollos bowl of water and his food bowl. “Hey Pollo”Apollo said crouching down to pet Pollo. Pollo ran to him and liked hisface, I patted Pollos head and went up stairs to shower. I grabbed my toweland went to the bathroom. I turned on the bath instead of the shower sinceI felt like taking a bath. I rooked off my clothes and got inside the bath. Ispend twenty minutes in the bath. After twenty minutes I grabbed my towel and dried up. I changed into my pajamas and walked downstairs. “I left yousome clothes in the bathroom, make sure to pick up after yourself” I Apollo.“Ok thank you” he said. He walked up, I waited for what felt like hours. H
finally came downstairs. “Are you hungry?” I asked him, “Yes I’m sofreaking hungry” he replied. I went to the kitchen and made some eggs andrice for us. I served it to him and we both ate.