The boy next door, pt 4. Apollos side of the story
He bows along with his mother, “come on in Mrs. Han, you and your son
must be cold” I say in a kind of romantic way, Mrs. Han waves her hand up
and down “My, My, what a charming young man” she says, they both walk
in side and slide o their shoes, I walk upstairs and started to look for a
bracelet just in I need to dget around you know. “APOLLO COME BACK
from down stairs, I shove the bracelet in my pocket and the knock on my
sisters door, she gets out of her room and we walk down stairs. He looks so
cute, He quickly bows and thanks us for inviting him at our house, he looks
at me and he turns red, “are you ok, um?” I ask “Sin-U, my name is Sin-U,
you must be Apollo right?” He replies with a curious tone, “yes my name is
Apollo” I reply “and this is my sister Vera” I add pointing at her, “hey
there” she says, “You three head up stairs, the grown ups are going to have
a talk, alright ?”my mom said “yes mom” I replied. I take Sin-U up stairs
and I asked him if he wanted to go to my room he said “sure”, I oered him
a cigarette but he respectfully denied it, I made I eye contact with him for
about 2 minutes and all of a sudden he turned red “are you ok? Do you
have a fever or is it hot in here?” I asked him, “no, I just get like this when
I meet new people” he answers back, we talked for a while and I had this
urge to jump out the window, dang! He looks so cute his blue hair, his pale
skin, brown colored eyes, almond shape eyes and his clothes, that all of
that makes him so dang cute! I wonder if he is bi, I don’t know, he is
probably interested in my sister, and if he is then I don’t know what he sees
in her, she is so ugly and mean. As we get to know each other I remember
that it’s his birthday tomorrow and I should get him a gift, I’ll probably get
him a ag from his country or a card or maybe a sketchbook book, he looks
like he draws. As we speak more I feel a connection but how? I have a
boyfriend and I should be loyal, hm? I don’t know these feelings are
probably fake, his mom calls him down so they can leave he bows and
leaves my room I quickly stand up and look outside my window and there
he was smiling talking to his mom, I wonder what they were talking about. I
change into my pajamas and head straight to bed I look at my iPod and the
rst thing I loo at is see the date 12-16-2005. Then look at the time 10:10
“10:10, hm?” I say under my breath. I put my phone under the pillow and