SCP 049
Hello there. What do you ask me today hm?
049… we would like to ask you why you kill our men
Oh no. I’m not killing them. I’m CURING them of their infections. They are impure.
049 this is no time to lie. You are turning them into zombies. If you do not comply as we say and do not stop
killing our men, we will cut off that “beak” of yours.
Now now no need to freight. I understand humans do not want to be cured. But I am the cure. Just come into
my cell.
We have brought a D-Class to you 049.
“Cure him” of his desease.
Don’t be afraid. I am the cure.
D-296: uh ok?
Scp touches D-296
D-296: I don’t feel so good…
Do not worry. My medicine will help cure you…
Interesting… I have taken notes and this is some facts about 049. SCP-049, also known as the Plague Doctor, is
a humanoid entity under the SCP Foundation's containment. It is a humanoid figure that resembles a 15-16th
century European Plague Doctor, with a black robe and a white-beaked mask.
SCP-049 is capable of causing all biological functions of an organism to cease through direct skin contact. If it
touches a living human, the human will die instantly and then reanimate as a zombie-like creature. SCP-049
believes that it is curing its victims of a terrible disease, but its "cure" is always fatal.
SCP-049 is generally cooperative with Foundation personnel, but it can become hostile if it feels that its
victims are being denied its "cure." It is also known to be very persistent in its pursuit of its victims, and it will
not be deterred by obstacles such as locked doors or Tesla gates.
SCP-049's containment procedures require that it be sedated before any attempts to transport it. During
transport, it must be secured within a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness (including a locking collar and
extension restraints) and monitored by no fewer than two armed guards.
End of document.