Mysterious Shop
7 50
On 42
7 60
i on
???’s shop
your current balance: $50
*don’t forget to change the balance when you buy, lose, or win money*
Mysterious Shop
You nd yourself in a dark and sketchy ally. Suddenly, disturbing the silence,
a deep voice calls out, Over here”. After careful consideration, you decide to
follow the voice. A mysterious gure approaches you and right before your
eyes appears a shop. After nishing with the shop, go to page 2.
go big or go home:
no cheating or ElSE1.
2. choose a number 1-100
3. reveal the number by scratching it
4. if ur number is not in the same
tens digit as the winning number,
you go bankrupt
5. if your number is in the tens, I
give you $500
6. if your number is the winning
number, you win 1k
Your number: ____
The winning number: 49
You get teleported back to your homeland. But according to your end balance, lets reveal
what happens next.
$– - $0: The next day, you fall into a hole with the rats and work for them for eternity
$1 - 10: You end up getting betrayed by the first person that pops up when you press share ->
more and got sold to work for a random dude for the rest of your life
$11-30: you work for people by cleaning up their dog’s feces
$31-50: you work at mcdonalds
$51-60: you work as a teacher
$61-80: you have enough money and live a normal life
$81-100: you have lots of money and live a happy life
$100-: you have the best life in the world and you have 100 servants
So, how’d you guys do? Let me know in the comments!