Erebus: Chapter 9 part 2
We were wondering around for a while calling Chiara’s name, and so far not so good. My
hair was back in my face, and I didn’t want to move it away anymore. The sun had set, as
the stars and crescent moon were in the sky. I felt my hands shake as I yelled her name.
Maybe she was gone like Mera….
My head poked up, and I ran to where I heard her.
I ran and ran then tripped over a root, accidentally knocking into her. I fell and hit the
ground and Chiara’s mech-matched eyes widened.
“Um… hi.”
My face went red as I stood up. Greyson ran over and looked at us. “Well well well, if it
isn’t the runaway herself.”
“Runaway?! You two literary went—!”
“Shh. We understand your mistake and forgive you.” Greyson said like he was a hippie.
Chiara and I raised our eyebrows, and I looked at her. It was the rst time we stood up
right next to each other… oh gosh. Don’t make it obvious Erebus, don’t make it obvious.
“Wait a second…” Greyson looked at us and got a crooked grin.
I shook my head, hoping he wouldn’t say.
“Erebus, Chiara is taller.”
My face ushed and I glared at him. “NO! LOOK!” I tried to stand up as tall as I could,
but it was no use. Chiara was a good few inches taller.
“HA!” Greyson started to laugh again, and my blood boiled.
“Well at least you don’t have to pee because you already did that in your pants!” I
Greyson shut up, and glared at me.
We looked at Chiara who was standing there, just staring at us like we were going insane.
Greyson gave a fake smile, and I rolled my eyes. I put my hands in my pockets and glared
at the ground. Why am I short? A fourteen year old kid is supposed to be taller.
“It’s okay Emo, you might grow.
I glared at him. “Oh wow, so inspirational! How tall are you?! Five foot?!” Well, he clearly
wasn’t because I was ve foot.
“5’8? Going one, going twice… SOLD TO MR 5’8!” Greyson said pointing at himself.
I swore under my breath. “Wow, you had to make it that obvious?! I think it’s the pee in
your pants—”
We looked up at a ustered Chiara, who looked ready to knock us out.“Boys… what I was
gonna say is that I found something. So, are you two going to keep bickering or shut up
and follow me?!” She said folding her arms.
Greyson and I gave each other one last glare, and we followed her into the woods.
Greyson kept getting slapped in the face by trees, Chiara lifted branches that went
behind me to slap him, and I… because I’m short I never got hit by the branches. Greyson
started swearing in Greek, and Chiara yelled at him to shut up in Greek. I kinda wondered
if I could speak it without actually learning it. If I can understand it…
“We’re here.”
I looked up at a stone wall, that had all sorts of markings, and dents. The marking were
some sort of language.
“What is this?”
“The tomb of Baal.” I said softly.
Chiara and Greyson looked at me. “What?!” They said in unison. I nodded and pointed to
the wall. The difference symbols made sense, and I understood it.
“When the gods moved to America, the tomb of Baal was brought with them. Baal was
sort of like the form of Zeus Mesopotamia worshiped.” I said reading off the tomb.
“But, over time others forgot Baal, and decided on Zeus, or capital G, God.” I continued to
read. “Inside is the Spear of Baal. It can control elements of the sky… I think this is
what we were look for.”
“Why? How are you reading this?!” Chiara asked looking at the wall.
I shrugged.
“The Mesopotamian language was forgotten, and is considered a dead language. That’s
probably how Emo is reading it… no pun intended son of Hades.” Greyson said looking at
the wall.
“‘Moon and bone shall work together to open the stone’.” Chiara said. She looked up at
the moon, then looked at me.
“I don’t know how.” I said looking down at the ground.
“What do you mean?! You do it all the time!” Greyson said with wide eyes.
“I don’t mean to do it, I just get—”
“Emotionally distressed?” Chiara asked.
I nodded, and looked down at the earth. I could feel the bones down there— and my
body taking in the shadows and darkness. I extended my hands and felt really awkward.
How do I just do this on command? I felt the surge of power through my body.
Nothing happened and I looked to see a snickering Greyson and Chiara.
“Did you seriously get that from Harry Potter?” Greyson asked trying to hold in his
My face got red, and I glared at them. “Yeah I did! What’s so funny?!”
Chiara looked at me carefully and seemed to get an idea. She started laughing and my
blood boiled.
“What so funny?!”
She whispered in Greyson’s ear, and they both burst out laughing more.
“How stupid that was!” Greyson laughed rolling around on the ground.
My blood boiled more and I clenched my sts.
“And and…” Chiara said trying to catch her breath. “You were all like—” she did a terrible
imitation of me, and Greyson started stomping around.
The earth cracked from under my feet, and a skeleton came up. Chiara smiled, and kicked
its head off into the woods. The skeleton fell down, and my eyes widened.
“Good job.” She said looking up at me.
Oh… that’s what they were doing. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the headless skeleton and
held it up to the wall. The moons light shown down, and the wall started to glow. Before I
knew it, the wall opened into a dark passageway.
I looked at Chiara and Greyson who smiled.
“Alright. Let’s go nd us a spear.”