Diein a hole or Die in spacehave a petunicorn or have apetGriffinFly or invisabilityplaysports or playgamesalldayfindtype Iqq.ggday or winthelotterynextyearhave loyears withyourpartner or one nightwithyourcelebritycrushthis is limitingthetime Imogenthehavehave a personalmaid or have a personalchefbet'tfeettall or 9 inchestallvomitonyourhero or haveyourherovomitonyouwearthesamesocksfora month or wearthesame underwearfor a weekalwaysbe10 minuteslate or alwaysbe20minutesearlydrinkfromthetoilet or peein a litterboxSpendayearat war or ayear inprisondiebeforeyourpartner or afteryourpartner