Hello, I’m Liko!Today, I’mgoing to teachyou aboutphotosynthesis!My Mom and Dad had talked to me aboutit, and I learned about the entire process!So let me take you to where it all starts…The leaf! The Co2and waterbreak down withthe sunlight!Chlorophyll is whatmake thechloroplast greenThe leaf usesthe glucose forfood, andreleases theoxygen, which itdoesn’t need.The chloroplast makes food,or glucose, for the plantusing6CO2+6H2O+light!That’show wegetoxygen!TheEndWell that wasa fun lesson,right Basil?What’s that, didyou draw aflower?That givesme somany ideasfor newadventures!Meow(No, I’mtired. Youwoke me upat 5:00am forthis lesson.I’mexhausted)Huh?Meow(You dowhat youwant, I’mtaking anap.)The End